ed note: http://www.iconaerialmedia.com/2016/04/28/you-saw-it-here-first-the-uavuas-that-did-not-hit-a-plane-over-heathrow-just-another-idiot/
Plane was in ‘critical stage’ of flight when drone came extremely close, report says

A MANIAC risked a deadly mid-air smash by flying a drone within feet of a packed holiday jet.
The captain of the Boeing 757 spotted it as he took off from Manchester Airport.
He was at 1,500ft during a “critical phase of flight” — and officials said there was a high risk of a potentially fatal collision.
Experts claim the object was “flown into conflict” intentionally as it was in an area regularly used by pilots taking off.
The captain immediately alerted airport staff, who began scrambling to identify the mystery object’s owner.
A safety report said the drone had a “high risk” of causing a potentially fatal collision.

The incident happened on March 16, just a month before a suspected drone hit a British Airways plane over Heathrow.
It was logged in an official near-miss report with air safety authority the UK Airprox Board.
The report read: “The pilot was unsure as to whether he had seen two large balloons, connected together, or a drone.
“The cabin crew member seated immediately behind the pilot confirmed that she had also seen something and, when asked, independently stated that it looked like a drone.
“Although the pilot could not be certain what he saw, whatever it was, it had been extremely close to the aircraft at a critical phase of flight.”
Air safety experts said the close distance and timing of the incident suggested it was a deliberate act.A Civil Aviation Authority source added: “The drone has been flown into close proximity of a plane on a well-used flight path.
“The drone was being flown in a specific area with planes pass through.
“The operator is at fault but their motivation for doing so is not known as they weren’t caught.”

The UKAB logged an average of three to four near-miss collisions a month in 2015.
But the numbers of incidents are rapidly increasing — last month the UKAB examined six scares between drones and aircraft, including reports from near Heathrow, Glasgow and Newcastle airports.
The British Airline Pilots Association has warned that the risk of collision between an aircraft and drones is “unacceptably high”.
Last month a drone was believed to have hit a BA flight landing at Heathrow, although it later emerged it may have been a plastic bag.

Following the incident, BA boss Willie Walsh called for owners to be forced to sign a register before being allowed to fly the remote-controlled gadgets.
He added: “I think more restrictions on drone ownership are inevitable.
“In Ireland, if you have a drone you have to register it.
“I’d be surprised if the (UK) Civil Aviation Authority doesn’t do the same.
“I think it should.”
Drone operators must keep their craft away from aircraft and airfields, and not fly above 400 feet.
In the Queen’s Speech it was announced that the Government will introduce new regulations on drones in a Modern Transport Bill.
Drone flew 30 metres from airliner at Manchester airport
Near-miss report says drone flew ‘extremely close’ to Boeing 757 and experts say there was a definite risk of collision

A drone was flown just 30 metres from a Boeing 757 jet near Manchester airport, according to an official near-miss report.
The pilot of the airliner “expressed his surprise” after spotting the object shortly after take-off, the UK Airprox Board (UKAB) said.
He was turning right at an altitude of 450 metres (1,500ft) – a “critical phase of flight” – when the incident occurred.
The report stated that the drone was “extremely close to the aircraft”, passing just 15 metres above and 30 metres to the left.
Experts “quickly agreed that there had been a definite risk of collision” and the incident was put in the most serious risk category.
The latest monthly UKAB meeting examined six near-misses between drones and aircraft, including reports from near Heathrow, Glasgow and Newcastle airports.
The British Airline Pilots Association has said the risk of collisions between aircrafts and drones is “unacceptably high”.
Last month a drone was believed to have hit a British Airways flight landing at Heathrow, although it later emerged it may have been a plastic bag.
Drone operators must keep their craft away from planes and airfields, and not fly above 120 metres. They are also barred from flying drones with cameras within 50 metres of people, vehicles or buildings, or over congested areas or large gatherings, such as concerts and sports events.
In the Queen’s speech it was announced that the government would introduce new regulations on drones in a modern transport bill.